About the EasyUpload app

Have you ever tried to send videos or photos that were too large over Whatsapp, email or Text?
Are you tired of apps lowering the quality or cutting your video to fit their maximum allowed size?
Well, we have a solution for you!: share a link instead by using EasyUpload!.

The EasyUpload app provides a quick and easy way to create a Microsoft OneDrive share link with any files you select so you can send the link to anyone you want for them to read or copy the files.
The share is accessible to Everyone by default; However, you can use the Microsoft OneDrive service to change the permissions if needed as well as removing or modifying the share as you like.

EasyUpload privacy policy

The EasyUpload app uploads the selected files to the user's own Microsoft OneDrive account.
Once uploaded, the files can be read or copied by anyone that knows the URL to find the files.
The user can change the share permissions or remove the share using the Microsoft OneDrive service directly as appropriate.

The user must consider any risk associated with uploading files to a public share before and while using the EasyUpload app.
The EasyUpload app authors are not responsible for any misuse of the files uploaded through it to Microsoft OneDrive.

Please refer to the Microsoft OneDrive privacy guide for additional information regarding protecting your files once uploaded if necessary.
Microsoft OneDrive privacy guide